
Friday, January 31, 2020

Is the Bible True ?

Let us Answer to this question  "Is the Bible True ?"

Many People like Dawkins argues that the Bible is scientifically and historically inaccurate.
 He says, “It is fiction, myth, poetry, anything but reality.

To find out we need to examine the evidence for the Bible in three crucial areas:
  1. Its scientific accuracy
  2. Its historical accuracy
  3. Its prophetic accuracy

Is the Holy Bible Scientifically Accurate?

A One-Time Beginning

The opening words of the Bible are, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” However, since Aristotle, most scientists believed that matter and energy had always existed. Many scientists accused the Bible of being out of date and unscientific.

Although leading scientists were convinced that everything, including time and space, had always existed, Einstein’s theory of relativity, pointed to a beginning of the universe. Unwilling to accept a beginning,

 Later after a decade, Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered the universe is expanding. Rewinding the tape, he realized everything began in a massive cosmic creation event. Einstein admitted his error.
The highly regarded astronomer Fred Hoyle was also reluctant to admit the universe had a beginning.
Once the evidence for a one-time beginning was confirmed, many scientists recognized the obvious parallel between the Bible and science.
To be Continue...

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