
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Canonisation of Mariam Thresia is matter of pride for every Indian

  • Sister Mariam Thresia, an iconic nun and native of Kerala’s Thrissur district who died in 1926 at the age of 50, was declared a saint by Pope Francis on Sunday
  • Normally, canonization requires two miracles. In the nun’s case, one miracle was approved by a doctor

Normally, canonization requires two miracles. In the nun’s case, one miracle was approved by a doctor. A prematurely born baby in Thrissur’s Amala hospital in 2009 had developed a critical condition, from which he recovered after taken to Thresia’s tomb for praying, according to his parents. One of the doctors who treated the baby, Dr Sreenivasan, approved it as a miracle and had said that the divine intervention of the Holy Mother saved the baby.

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